No. We do not use either method for two reasons. First, they don't work. Second, that is negative programming, and negative programming gets negative results.
Telling smokers what smoking does to them, or trying to scare them into quitting, or trying to guilt them into quitting, or shame them into quitting or pressure them into it simply does not work, and I wish more "stop smoking advocates" would grow a brain and figure this out. All that they accomplish with these negative approaches is a bunch of people who want to smoke in order to tell them to kiss off.
My program uses positive programming only, and it is based on interviews with many, many smokers. It works by addressing the actual causes of smoking, nicotine addiction and the reasons smokers fail when they try to quit.
For instance, smokers don't want to be forced to quit. So the program doesn't try to force it. You should smoke as much as you want while using the program, and allow it to do it's thing without effort on your part.
Smokers tend to be afraid of quitting, because they don't want to have to deal with all the pain, suffering and difficulty, only to fail and have to do it again. So the program takes care of that by dissolving the beliefs that they must experience those negative things when they quit smoking, because those negative things are really completely unnecessary to experience when you quit. They only exist because of social hypnosis, and they have become a self fulfilling prophecy. Once those beliefs are dissolved, the subconscious is freed from trying to execute them as true when you try to quit, and the natural default state is achieved instead. Result: no negative symptoms while you quit.
Smokers tend to identify as smokers, which by definition means they smoke. So the program gently shifts the person's self identity to that of a non-smoker.
Smokers tend to resent non-smokers and ex-smokers for always getting on their case. The result is resistance to quitting, because you will not allow yourself to become what you resent. So the program dissolves resentment of nonsmokers and ex-smokers, and reframes being a non-smoker as a desirable thing.
And so on. We've taken the time to truly understand smokers and how to help them. There's no negative programming, pressure, guilt, shame, fear or scare tactics here.