In many cases, the Indigo Mind Labs subliminal program for smoking cessation can and does trigger smoking cessation even in people who are not consciously wanting to, interested in, or ready to quit smoking.
How? Simply put, it gently adjusts your mindset, beliefs and attitudes to trigger the changes that result in effortless, stress-free quitting.
For instance, it shifts your thinking from "not ready to quit" to "ready, willing and able to quit". It deals with and eliminates the fears and false beliefs you have, both consciously and subconsciously, about quitting. It does everything you need done, at a purely subconscious level, in order to not just become ready, willing and able to quit effortlessly and without stress, but it also gently turns off your response to nicotine.
Nicotine is only found in the body for a maximum of 14 days after you stop ingesting it. That means that you cannot respond to it after that - everything you feel, think and experience after that point is a result of "social hypnosis". You have been hypnotized from birth to believe that that is what is supposed to happen when you quit smoking, and everyone agrees to it. So, you accept it as an inevitable truth subconsciously, and then when you try to quit, your subconscious mind looks up "what do we do when we are trying to quit smoking?" and sees that "It's hard to quit smoking." So, being the good literal subconscious mind that it is, it tries to execute that program and actually makes it hard to quit smoking for you in all the ways you have been previously told that it is hard to quit.
But when the IML stop smoking program has taken effect, it dissolves all that social hypnosis and reveals the truth about quitting smoking. That it's actually effortlessly easy, and there is no need for stress, irritability, cravings, hunger, weight gain or any of the rest. In fact in several cases, testers quit so easily that they actually denied that the program was why they quit - after coming to me desperate because nothing else worked for them!
Quitting smoking requires a gentle, slow, calm approach. That's why it takes a minimum of six months. You're not just trying to quit smoking; you need to make it permanent. Quitting is easy, and most people do it in 2-4 weeks with our subliminal. Completely overwriting the subconscious social hypnosis requires at least 6 months of use.
Yes, our program can work even if you don't consciously want to quit smoking. But it's going to work a lot faster if you do.