It is possible because your subconscious mind is the control panel for your body's autonomic functions. If your subconscious mind understands that you desire something to be true, it will attempt to execute that instruction and make true what it understands that you want to be true. This includes altering your body in certain physical ways, including breast size increase or decrease.
When you use a subliminal to give your subconscious mind the instructions that you want it to increase or decrease your breast size, it in turn responds by adjusting your physiology in the necessary ways to make that happen.
There appear to be three exceptions:
1. If the person resists the programming, it cannot be accepted and executed.
2. If the body does not have the natural capacity for further increase, it will not increase the breast size further.
3. If the person is too old, it is unlikely that the increase will take place.
Obviously, if you resist the programming for some reason, the results will not be achieved.
If you are too old, your body may no longer have the capacity for increasing your breast size. As far as I can tell, the demarcation point appears to be somewhere in the range of about 55 years old.
If you do not have the natural capacity for larger breasts, then you are unlikely to increase your breasts in size. In other words, it appears that each woman is genetically set for her upper limit as to how large her breasts can become. If your breasts are already that large, they will probably not increase further in size.
Breast size adjustment is done by causing the body to return to a growth state specifically for the breast tissue, if growth is the goal, or to absorb and shrink the breasts otherwise.