All of our exclusive technologies are researched, developed and tested by Shannon. The current list of these technologies includes:
Metascripting. This is a special secondary script designed to optimize how your subconscious processes and executes the primary script of the program. This is found in our 3rd, 4th and 5th Gen programs.
The Naturalizer. This technology allows the program to take effect so naturally and comfortably that resistance is largely eliminated, and the shift from the old state to the new state is made as comfortable for the person as possible. Sometimes this technology is so effective that people achieve the results, but believe erroneously that the subliminal was not the cause. This is found only in our 4th and 5th Gen programs.
HyperSpeed Technology. This mind-blowing technology was our first major script-specific breakthrough for increasing the speed of impact that our programs have. It focuses on aligning the data input speed and order with the data processing speed and order of the user's brain to maximize efficiency. HyperSpeed Technology (HST) is only found in our 5th Generation programs.
Self Optimizing Scripting. This amazing technology is a major breakthrough which allows HyperSpeed technology to constantly and instantly self adjust to the state of the user's brain for processing the input from the subliminal on a continuous basis. This means that the program is always inputting the subliminal audio at the perfect speed and in the ideal order for the specific user. Known also as as SOS, it is found only in our 5th Gen programs.
Optimus Engine. This incredible technology started out as a project intended to improve manifestation programming, and ended up leading to the discovery of some truly amazing things, which taken together, comprise an ultra-powerful method for achieving the specified goal by creating an almost irresistible focus on it. This technology is sometimes used as the core of a program, or used in conjunction with standard scripting methods. Also referred to as OE, it is only available in some of our our 5th Gen programs.
MaxSpeed. The latest addition to the bunch, MaxSpeed allows us to further hone the focus on speed in certain types of programs such that they actually begin functioning outwardly within minutes. Typically the effects of a program that includes MaxSpeed technology can be felt consciously, without placebo, in between 4 minutes and 45 minutes. Typically it is 4 to 15 minutes. This awesome technology is only found in our 5th Gen programs. Not all programs are compatible with MaxSpeed technology, so not everything in the 5th Gen line includes it.