Most people see results according to the type of program they use, their usage patterns, the goal of the program, their personality type, the resistance they have to it, and whether they use it properly.
In general, a Type A program, or a program including MaxSpeed, will require between 4 minutes and 2 hours of play for most people to start seeing results.
Type B programs in 3rd Gen format may take several days to as much as 2 or 3 weeks of use to start seeing results. In 4th Gen format they usually require between 1 and 6 days of use to start seeing results. In 5th Gen format, you may start seeing results in between several hours on up to three or four days.
Type C programs are designed to cause a physical change in the body, and they require time for the subconscious to accept the subliminal instructions, and then time to cause the change to take place. Soft tissue adjustment, such as weight loss, breast enlargement or breast reduction, typically requires at least an order of magnitude more time to start seeing results than if it were a Type B program. Breast enlargement or reduction is designed to work in 3 to 6 months, and weight loss is designed to work at a rate of 1.5 to 3 pounds per week, depending on whether you have the 5th Gen Optimus Engine based program that does or does not specify 3 pounds of weight loss per week. Growth in height may take 6 months to over a year for full results; penis enlargement will require 3 to 6 months or sometimes more. And so on.
Type D programs are based on manifestation methods, and use the Law of Attraction, among other things. These typically require between 2 weeks and 12 months, depending on the generation, goal, script type, and other factors such as the availability of the target goal. Most 4th Gen Type D programs require 2 to 8 months to produce results, and 4 months is common. Type Ds based on or including the Optimus Engine typically require 2 to 8 weeks to produce their results.
Type E programs are Very Long Term Usage programs, and these may require years of use to achieve the goal. There is only one Type E as of now, and that is Become A Multi-Millionaire 2.0. Most people start seeing results in a day or two of use; intended results may require 1 to 8 years of continuous use to achieve.