Social hypnosis is a form of mass mind control that results when a group of people accept something as true, and then others accept it as true because the first group did, with it becoming true because it is accepted as being true, and then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, even though in reality, it is not true.
Case in point. Ask anyone if smoking is hard to quit. in 99.99999% of cases, you'll hear, "Of course it is, everybody knows that." Is it really hard to quit? No. But it is accepted as being universally true, and that acceptance has made it a self fulfilling prophecy.
How? Well, the average person hears and sees "it's hard to quit smoking" all the time as they grow up. They are already conditioned just by this to believe it is true.
Then they experience authority figures claiming that it's true also. Scientists and doctors, whom they take as infallible, so they accept it as true.
Then they see people actually experiencing difficulty quitting smoking, and they conclude that it must be true.
For that person, it is at that point true that "it is hard to quit smoking".
The reason for that is simple. The subconscious mind does not understand things or process things like the conscious mind does. It does not have the capacity to differentiate good for you from bad for you, it just blindly executes whatever has been accepted as true as being true. That means that for the person who becomes addicted to nicotine, they will begin executing that subconscious programming whenever there is a trigger for it.
Those triggers include everything they have been told to expect to cause whatever symptom or withdrawal response, including not having a cigarette every X minutes or hours. So whenever they go without, the nicotine will start to trigger it's withdrawal symptoms, and then the social hypnosis kicks in and creates the rest of the effect because the subconscious mind has accepted it as true that that is what must happen when that trigger is happening.
Nicotine lasts no more than 14 days in the body from it's last dose, so after that, there's nothing to trigger the actual withdrawals. The rest is all resulting from - you guessed it - social hypnosis. The deep subconscious beliefs that "when I try to quit smoking, it will be hard, and I will experience X and Y and Z, and it will be terrible and I will fail again and again and suffer terribly along the way."
What you were told, over and over and over by everyone around you. What you saw others enacting because they believed it, and mistook as being true. What you accepted as true about smoking and quitting. What your subconscious mind is faithfully and automatically trying to execute as true by making it true for you.
And when it does, it only makes the belief stronger, and repeats the cycle.
I discovered this effect by creating a subliminal for my mother to get her to quit smoking. When after she tried everything she could find for about 23 years and failed, Version 3 of my program got her to quit in 8 weeks without cravings, anger, anxiety, irritability, hunger, weight gain, or even trying. My program did nothing but change what she believed to be true, and she quit without any of it. She also stayed quit. And that cannot have happened unless the social hypnosis was the real issue in the first place.
Nicotine is a very addictive drug, but relatively easy to deal with by itself. It's all that false negative social hypnosis that causes the vast majority of the problems we associate with quitting. Not nicotine.