These programs are designed around the expectation that you will use them every day for 8+ hours a day. If you use them less than that, your results will be disrupted accordingly. We strongly recommend that you never take time off using a subliminal, or miss days, unless it is specified in the instructions.
If you miss days of usage, you can use this rule of thumb to figure out how to recover your results: If you are off the subliminal or stage of the subliminal for up to 7 days, consecutive or otherwise, add 1.5 days of usage to the end of the run, rounding up.
If you miss 8 or more days, you should start the clock all over again, and use the program or stage of the program as if you are just starting it for the first time, except as directed otherwise in program-specific instructions or by Shannon himself.
It is extremely important that you use the program according to the directions, for at least 8 hours a day, every day, as directed by the instructions.