Can I? Yes. Will I? No. There are two reasons for this.
1. Making subliminals that are safe, effective and useful to use is a very complex, exacting and demanding process, regardless of what the Interwebs would have you believe about it. That is why I constantly do research and development, and why we constantly upgrade and innovate new products and technologies. It is also why people pay so much more for my subliminals than those of my competitors.
2. If I teach you how to do what I do, I am creating a competitor, and that takes my source of income away from me. This is how I make my living, pay my bills and put food on my table. In exchange for the decades of work, research, experimentation and development I have done becoming as skilled and expert as I am at scripting and building amazing subliminals, I want to make a living - not give away my work so you can do it for yourself, quite possibly incorrectly and unsafely.
So I am not teaching anyone how I do what I do. I recommend that you are better off finding a reliable, reputable producer of subliminals to get your programs from instead.