You have a number of choices, depending on specifically what you want more of.
If you want more of the effects the program is giving you, you can either re-run the whole program over again starting with Stage 1 (recommended if you believe you have still got some things to work on from what the program is trying to do) or you can use the Refresher Stage if you no longer have the need to improve the results the program is trying to achieve, but want to extend, refresh and/or strengthen what it has done.
If you want to take the results it has given you in a different direction, you can choose from either the Woman Magnet program or the Sex Magnet program.
Woman Magnet is designed to turn you into the social playboy type of alpha male, who has a good time with and enjoys the company of the ladies, without necessarily needing to focus on having sex with them. It's designed so that you can have whatever type of relationship you want with them, and have fun with them regardless.
Sex Magnet is designed so that you become the raw sexually irresistible type of alpha male, who women cannot resist and who is focused specifically on getting in their pants. It is designed to get them to approach, seduce and initiate sex with you, as well as make it easy for you to seduce and sleep with them when you want to.
Please note that it is important that you have run through the Alpha Male program at least once before attempting to use either Sex Magnet or Woman Magnet. They will not work properly otherwise, as they are built specifically upon the results AM creates within you.