Quite logically. It seeks to slowly and gently change the state of the smoker's deep subconscious mind, beliefs, identity, expectations and responses to those of a non-smoker.
A smoker smokes to return to the state which a non-smoker experiences all the time: freedom from craving cigarettes or nicotine. But the act of smoking does not quell that craving, it actually creates it. A non-smoker never craves cigarettes or nicotine in part because they are not addicted to nicotine, and in part because their self identity is that of a non-smoker. Their subconscious mind does not expect to crave nicotine, or for it to be difficult for them not to smoke because they are non-smokers, and by definition, they do not smoke.
But the self identity of a smoker includes a long laundry list of deep subconscious programming which includes things like "I need a cigarette.", and "I need a cigarette to ____ (take your pick)." and "It's hard to quit smoking." and "If I try to quit smoking, I will experience _____(pick your symptiom)."
Since nicotine is only present in the body for a maximum of 14 days after the final dose, it is impossible for the drug to be triggering an addiction withdrawal after that. The responses that one gets after that are all the result of those deep subconscious beliefs - which I call "social hypnosis".
Social hypnosis happens when all of society agrees on the truth of a thing, and then it becomes true because of that belief that it is true. Here's how this works regarding smoking.
When you were young, you looked around you and saw that everyone agreed that "it's hard to quit smoking". You saw it, heard it and experienced it in some form or other again and again. Even the so-called experts, like doctors and scientists say it and believe it. So you believed it. And then you observed with your own eyes people having trouble trying to stop smoking, and having specific and predictable withdrawal results, although their experiences which you observed were themselves the result of social hypnosis. But because you did not know this, it cemented it in your mind that the claims that it was hard to quit were true, and you accepted them fully as being true.
Then, when you went to quit, your subconscious mind looked for what instructions it had for that situation, and saw this:
"It's hard to quit. I'm going to suffer when I try to quit, and I'm probably going to fail. I should expect to have cravings, irritability, hunger, frustration, etc. etc. I'm going to have to try to quit at least ____ times, and be more miserable every time I try."
The subconscious is absolutely literal, and it therefore attempts to blindly execute everything it has accepted as true, in order to MAKE it true. So because that is what it has accepted as true, it therefore starts executing those instructions when you try to quit, and voila: it's hard to quit, and you get all the symptoms social hypnosis tells you to get.
This is the real reason why most people fail to quit, and why it's "hard".
And yet, people who use my stop smoking subliminal quit smoking without even trying, and often so effortlessly that they don't even know they did it for a few days. In some cases, people have actually denied that the program worked, insisting that "it just happened", instead. We all know it doesn't "just happen". Something has to make it happen.
Nicotine is indeed one of the most addictive substances known, but it's not really that hard to deal with the actual nicotine withdrawal. It feels like hunger to most smokers (which is why most smokers gain weight while trying to quit using other methods). The real issue is the social hypnosis, and this is proven by the fact that people trying to quit will have symptoms even after the nicotine is completely out of their system, as long as they are still running that faulty subconscious social hypnosis programming.
When that programming, and all the fears and expectations and the identity of being a smoker is dissolved, the process of quitting isn't just effortless, it's automatic. The truth about smoking is, it's easy to quit and stay quit. You just have to use the right tool for the job, and use it properly.
My subliminal is the right tool for the job.